Hi Everybody, After some time of speaking to various suppliers, we are proud to introduce a new digital X-Ray to our practice, which provides great benefits to our patients as well as making our work easier to give to you. [caption id="attachment_2050" align="aligncenter" width="604"] Blog_ourXray[/caption] Why a digital X-Ray? There are two very good reasons:…
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Why we should floss daily
Routine brushing and flossing are daily rituals that are apart our lives. Flossing especially, plays an important role in our everyday oral self care routine. The removal of bio-film from the inter-dental areas where tooth brushing does not reach is important in the important in the prevention of ginival/periodontal disease, the cause of bad breath,…
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Oral Cancer Screening
Did you know… part of our daily routine is screening for oral abnormalities, which is critical for early diagnoses and prevention. It is usually done by dental hygienist or dentist at you regular check-up appointment and takes about 5 minutes. We examine and inspect patient cheeks, floor of the mouth, tongue, lips and lymph nodes…
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A dental information site
In case you wanted to know more about common dental treatments and procedures, or just want to explore the medical knowledge base in general, we recommend checking out this site: WebMD Dental Section Its a very comprehensive site, with more than just a good dental section. In general its always good to read on specific…
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Smoking and your teeth
Smoking is bad for your health, but smoking is also one of the worst offenders when it comes to staining teeth. Tobacco smoke causes brown stains that penetrate the grooves and pits of tooth enamel. Tobacco stains can be hard to remove by brushing alone, and the longer you smoke, the more entrenched the stains…
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Floss Alternative #2: The interdental toothbrush.
Despite its long name they function just like classic wooden toothpicks, but have softer round brushes instead of 1 hard point. They are a little different from floss picks in that they come in different widths, from 0.4mm to 1.5mm, but serve the same purpose: to clean areas between the teeth where toothbrushes just can’t…
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